Carl Goldberg GBGA1067 User Manual
Page 12

Thread the 6-32 x 3” rod into brass nob that is
on top of the axle on the tailwheel bracket.
Place on the each end of the threaded rod a
white horn bracket.
Next find the two hole on the bottom of the
fuselage where the tailwheel get mounted.
Mount the tailwheel bracket using the 4-40 x
1/2” screws with the #4 washers.
NOTE: Use thread lock on the bolts.
Remove from the tailwheel springs approxi-
mately 1/2” from the other side of the long
On the side of the spring that you just cut off,
bend 2 or 3 coils of the spring out so that they
can hook through the horn bracket.
Twist the end of the spring on to the horn
bracket. Insert the long wire end around the
second horn bracket. Twist the wire so that it
will stay hooked to the bracket.
Repeat steps 2 & 3.
Note: The springs should be tight enough so that
when you move the tailwheel it will move
the rudder.
Install the tailwheel using the 1/8” wheel col-
lars and set screws.
Collect the following items:
(2) 8-32 x 1” Pan Head Bolts
(1) Landing Gear
(2) Axles with Nuts
(2) wheels
(2) 5/32 Wheel collars with Set Screws
Remove nylon screw from the bottom hatch.
Screw the landing gear down onto the fuse-
lage. Place the gear taper going towards the
front of the plane. Use thread lock on the
Reinstall the bottom hatch.
Install the axles and the wheels along with the
5/32 wheel collars.