Back to back assembly, End to end rack installation instructions – C&D Technologies RS-937 RDB Rack User Manual
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Copyright 2007 C&D TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Printed in U.S.A. 12-334 5M/0107/TD/3
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Back to Back Assembly:
Where two rows of racks are required, two rack assemblies may be
installed in parallel front to back.
Frame Location:
Locate back to back frames relative to each other as shown, such
that the rear cross brace attachment holes align for the two adjoining
frames. All braces must be installed, as described previously, except
that a single bolt may be used to connect the front and rear frames
and respective cross braces. Use 3/16” spacers and/or washers to
fill gaps between adjacent frames. See figure 10.
End to End Rack Installation Instructions:
Where a continuous rack string is required, two racks may be
installed adjacent in length.
Frame Location:
End to end rack assemblies are installed as two individual, stand-
alone rack assemblies as shown. When installing standard racks,
the minimum clearance between racks is 0”. When installing EP
racks the two racks must be spaced apart so that the minimum
distance between the ends of the support rails is 5”. See Figure 11.
AddItIonAl InstRuctIons FoR
MultI-RAck ARRAngEMEnts
Figure 10. Back to Back Assembly
Front of Rack B
Back of Racks A and B
Front of Rack A
Figure 11. End to End Installation
5” Min. Between
End to End EP Racks