AvMap APRS User Manual
Page 28

Beacon TX Algorithm Menu # 611
a. Set the Method to “smart beacon”
b. Press ESC to return to the main page
c. Change the APRS Frequency to: 144.390
d. Select TNC and press to turn on APRS 12
e. Press “BCON” to turn on -- BCON will appear in the
upper right corner The Kenwood Radio is now ready to
interface with the Geosat 6 APRS .
Making it all work!
a. Make sure both the Kenwood TM-D710 and AvMap
Geosat 6 APRS are turned OFF!
b. Connect the four pole 2.5mm communication cable
end to theserial port of the Geosat 6 APRS (show picture
of Geosat 6 serial port) and the three pole 2.5 mm end
to the D710’s GPS receptacle. IMPORTANT! These are
easily reversed and hooked up backwards…also…when
connecting to the Geosat 6 APRS make sure you plug
into the serial input…not audio input.
Check for a good click into the unit.
If you interface the units and do not see a flashing “GPS”
signal on the upper right hand corner of the Kenwood,
then the APRS cable may not be plugged-in all the way
or correctly. Please check that the cord is plugged into
the proper ports and plugged-in all the way.
Also verify that the Geosat 6 APRS is receiving a GPS fix.
Once your Geosat 6 APRS and radio are working properly
together, you will see an indication on the radio (if it
provides such) that it is receiving GPS position data.
In addition, as the radio provides position information
to the Geosat 6 APRS , stations will be plotted on
the screen. Depending upon the location of plotted
stations, you may need to expand the scale of the
APRS Functions
28 - AvMap