AvMap APRS User Manual

Page 14

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To change the characters from small to CAPITAL,

use the buttons on the right: “A” for the Capital
keyboard or “a” to go back to the small keyboard.
Once the text has been completed, touch enter.

Insert the recipient’s by touching Edit Recipient.

Now you can select one or more recipients from
the APRS contact list.
Touch “accept”.

Touch send message.

Once the message has been sent, the Software will go
back to the map and the message will be saved in the
Sent Message folder.

Receiving Messages:

When you receive a Message from an APRS contact, a
warning is displayed on the map and you can choose
to open the message or to read it later. In both cases,
the message is saved in the received message folder,

so you can read it anytime.
If you choose “Read now”, the message is displayed,
to avoid distractions you can touch Read it to me, and
the Geosat 6 APRS will read the message out loud for
you thanks to the Text-to-speech technology.

You can choose to receive pop-up messages for your
personal messages or also for bulletin messages sent
to “ALL” in the APRS options menu. Touch the Options
button in the APRS menu, touch Messages on Map and
then choose your option.

APRS Functions

14 - AvMap