Kofax Front-Office Server 2.7 User Manual
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Kofax Front-Office Server Configuration Guide for IBM Content Manager 8.2 and 8.3
Kofax, Inc.
when you expand the IBM Content Manager listing in Kofax Front-Office Server Web
Password: Type the password. This can match the password of the Kofax Front-Office
Server user account, or you can enter this password when you expand the IBM
Content Manager listing in Kofax Front-Office Server Web Client.
Confirm password: Type the same password you entered in the Password field.
Password expiration: Select the option that meets your password policy. For the Kofax
Front-Office Server administrator and default user accounts, we recommend that you
select “Never expires” so that you do not need to change the passwords in Kofax
Front-Office Server Web Client later.
If you select “At next logon,” make sure that the user obtains a new password
before connecting to IBM Content Manager through Kofax Front-Office Server Web
Maximum privilege set: Select the privilege set you created.
Click the Assign to Groups tab. Under “Assign the users to one or more groups,” select
the user group you created earlier. If the user belongs to more than one user group, select
them. To select several groups, press Ctrl as you click each one. To select a range of
groups, press Shift as you click the first and last groups of the range.
Click the Set Defaults tab. Complete the tab as follows:
Set the “Default resource manager” and “Default collection” fields to the appropriate
settings for your IBM Content Management system. Normally, these settings will be
the defaults.
If you have not already created an access control list, select PublicReadACL in the
“Default item access control list” field. You will add the user to an access control list
for your item type later. If you have already created an access control list, select it.
Click OK to create the user account. The New User window closes, and the user name
appears in the IBM Content Manager System Administration Client window.
X To create an access control list
If you are not in IBM Content Manager System Administration Client, log on.
In the DB2 Content Manager panel on the left side of the IBM Content Manager System
Administration Client, expand the listing for Authorization.
Right-click Access Control Lists. From the menu that appears, select New. The New
Access Control List Definition window appears.
In the Name field, type the name of the access control list.
Under “Find groups/users,” type the name of the user group (not the individual user
accounts) you created and click Find. You can use the options and buttons in the “Find
groups/users” section to find the user group. Refer to the IBM Content Manager System
Administration Client Help for instructions.
When the group you want appears in the table below the Show options, select it.
Under Privilege Sets, select the privilege set you created for Kofax Front-Office Server.
The Add button should be enabled.
Click Add. The pairing of the user group and privilege set should appear in the table.
Click OK. The New Access Control List Definition window closes, and the access control
list name appears in the IBM Content Manager System Administration Client window.