JMC Elementary/MS Scheduling User Manual
Page 5

• The sections chosen for that
course had the same term, i.e.
Sem 1 and Sem 1.
• If a class meets at the same
time as another class they will
not be able to be scheduled. In
the elementary situation this
typically means the sections
were put into a period but the
days were not unchecked.
4) Schedule Students – The fourth stage takes all of the courses for which a student has
been registered and puts them into sections.
B) After scheduling students you can view a student’s finished schedule by going to
Schedules: Student: Edit Schedules.
C) If the Schedule Students function did not choose the sections for a course, it typically
means one of the following:
5) After Scheduling is Complete – Here are some important things to consider:
• After all students have been scheduled new students will come to your school and need
to be scheduled. Typically a school will enter in all of the course #’s on a student’s
schedule and then go to Schedules: Develop: Schedule a Student (not Schedule Students).
Then you can choose that student and just schedule him/her.
• Many schools will go to Schedules: Develop: Lock Schedules and lock schedules with
the code. That code is your school’s postal zip code. This prevents anyone from bulk
loading students or clicking the Schedule Students button. If either of those happen it can
undo some of the work you have done.
A) Go to Schedules: Develop:
Schedule Students.
• Choose the Time Frame.
Typically schools will choose
the Entire Year.
• Choose the grade levels you
want to schedule.
• If any of the four
checkboxes apply to your
scheduling situation you can
check them.
Course didn’t schedule.