Hangar 9 Twist 40 ARF Version 2 User Manual
Page 5
Section 2: Horizontal Stabilizer Installation (continued)
Section 3: Vertical Stabilizer Installation
Step 5
Remove the stab and use a hobby knife with a brand new blade
to remove the covering 1/16-inch inside the lines just drawn.
Note: DO NOT cut into the underlying wood. Let the
knife “float” across the covering. Cutting into the wood will
weaken the stabilizer and may cause it to fail in flight.
Hint: You can use a soldering iron instead of a hobby knife
to remove the covering. Doing so will eliminate accidentally
cutting into the stabilizer.
Step 6
Place the elevator joiner wire into the slot for the stab.
Reposition the stab into the fuselage. It may be necessary
to trim the opening at the rear to allow for clearance for the
joiner wire.
Hint: Use a little rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to remove
the felt-tipped marker lines once they are no longer needed.
Step 7
Slide the stabilizer from the fuselage far enough to expose the
uncovered area. Mix 1/2 ounce of 30-minute epoxy. Apply the
epoxy to the exposed area on both the top and bottom of the
stab. Slide the stab back into position and double-check the
alignment of the stab. Remove any excess epoxy using a paper
towel and rubbing alcohol.
Hint: Use a little masking tape to keep the joiner wire out of
the way until it’s time to install the elevators. Also make sure
there is no epoxy on the joiner wire.
Required Parts
• Fuselage
Vertical stabilizer
Required Tools and Adhesives
30-minute epoxy • Sandpaper
• Ruler
Felt-tipped pen
Step 1
Locate the vertical stabilizer (fin) and slide it into position.
Position the fin so it is fully forward in the slot in the fuselage.
Step 2
Check the alignment between the fin and stab. The fin must be
90-degrees to the stab to be in alignment. Sand the opening in
the fuselage if necessary to get the perfect alignment.
Step 3
Trace the outline of the fuselage onto the fin.
Step 4
Remove the covering 1/16-inch below the line drawn
in the last step.
Step 5
Mix 1/2 ounce of 30-minute epoxy. Apply the epoxy to the tab
on the fin and to the area on the top of the fuselage where the
covering was removed. Position the fin in the slot and check
the alignment. Use masking tape to hold the fin in position until
the epoxy fully cures.
Hint: Use rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to clean up any
excess epoxy.