Doepfer A-190-2 MIDI-CV/Gate Interface User Manual
Doepfer, Introduction

System A-100
Midi-to-CV/Gate A-190-2
Fig. 1: Schematics
1. Introduction
Module A-190-2 is an economically priced alternative to the
Midi-CV/SYNC interface A-190-1. It can be used in all cases
where the additional features of the A-190-1 are not
required (e.g. clock output, start/stop output). A-190-2 is the
modular version of the MCV4 interface.
These are the most important features of the A-190-2:
• Midi-to-CV/Gate
• Gate output 0/+5V
• CV1: voltage derived from incoming Midi note
messages (0...+5V / 5 octaves), the glide control
affects this CV output
• CV2: voltage derived from incoming Midi pitch bend
messages (-2.5 ... +2.5V)
• CV3: voltage derived from the multiplication of
incoming Midi volume messages and the velocity
data of the note messages (0...+5V)
• CV4: voltage derived from a freely adjustable Midi
control change message (0...+5V)
• Midi channel, reference note for 0V CV1 and the
midi control change number for CV4 are adjusted by
means of the learn button.
• Glide control: portamento/slew limiter function for
By means of two jumpers CV1 and Gate can be connected
to the corresponding lines of the A-100 bus.