Doepfer A-154 Sequencer Controller User Manual

System a - 100, A-154, Introduction

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System A - 100

Sequencer Controller



1. Introduction

Module A-154 is a supplement to the Analog/Trigger
Sequencer A-155
. It offers a lot of new features that are
not available in the basic control unit of the A-155. The
A-154 is used to replace the control unit of one or two
, i.e. the section marked "Control" with Start / Stop
/ Step / Reset buttons and inputs in the upper left corner
of the A-155 front panel. If the A-154 is used to control
the A-155 the control section of the A-155 is put out of

These are the most important features of the A-154:

5 different running modes: forward, backward, pen-

dulum, random, CV controlled step adressing. All
modes are available as loop or one-shot

• Manual and voltage controlled selection (with at-

tenuator) of the running mode

5+1 LED display for the 5 different current modes

and one LED for loop/one-shot display

Manual and voltage controlled selection (with at-

tenuator) of first and last step of the sequence

• In the "CV Controlled Step Address" mode the First

Step section is used to determine the active sequen-
cer step (in this mode the first/last step feature is not
available). Consequently manual and voltage con-
trolled selection
of the active step is possible

• Internal voltage controlled clock generator with

manual and voltage controlled (with attenuator)
clock rate, enables variable time length for each
step, e.g. controlled by one of the analog rows of the

Skipping of steps, e.g. the gate row of the A-155 can

be used to control the skipping of steps

LED display of the clock signal

• Manual and voltage controlled (with attenuator)

pulse length of the clock signal. This features enab-
les different gate length (at the same clock rate) for
each step
, e.g. one of the CV outputs of the A-155
can be used to control the PW

One or two A-155 can be controlled from the A-154

8/16 step mode: In combination with two A-155 one

can select between parallel (8 steps) or serial ope-
ration (16 steps)
. The serial operation requires addi-
tional voltage controlled switches (e.g A-150)

Manual and voltage controlled selection between

"old" control unit of the A-155 and A-154 control
(A-154 Master on/off function)

• With the One-Shot modes the A-155/A-154 combi-

nation can be used e.g. as a complex envelope
One analog row determines the levels of
the envelope. The second analog row can be used to
adjust the time length for each step

• The A-154 requires at least one A-155