BUCHI NIRMaste Pro IP65 User Manual
Page 56

8 Troubleshooting
NIRMaster Operation Manual, Version B
7 .7
Laser unit
Over its lifetime, the intensity of the laser light will decrease. Thus, it is continuously monitored by a
sensor to be sure levels are above a certain threshold. After its mean time between failures (MTBF) of
20.000 hours and in case of an earlier defect service personnel is required to replace the LASER unit.
The laser unit comprises:
• Laser tube (factory aligned)
• High voltage power supply
7 .8
Special settings and enhanced system diagnose
7 .8 .1
Setting a new password
At the login window, press on the button right to the password field to open the password dialog.
Here, enter the new password and store it by pressing the ‘Checkmark’ button.
The password has to be filled in a second time for confirmation. If the new password is not accepted,
make sure no special key (e.g. “Caps lock”) is activated!