BUCHI NIRMaste Pro IP65 User Manual

Page 41

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6 Operation


NIRMaster Operation Manual, Version B

6 .5 .5

No / invalid result

If a result is invalid, it will be displayed with a red background to make the user alert. In this case, no
result value will be shown.

Press the symbol in the overview window to call up the ‚Detailed Result‘ window. The individual
range (calibration, action, warning) of the chosen application can also be found here.

6 .5 .6

Start new / rerun / close measurement

Depending on the measurement setup, the same sample material can be measured repeatedly or
in serial within the same batch with the ‘Start’ button. However, every measurement is stored with a
unique timestamp and GUID in the database. Other identifiers (e.g. a counter) can be set to automatic
by a NIRWare administrator for each application.
Press the ‘Close batch’ button when all measurements for the batch are finished. A popup window
with a safety confirmation appears. To finalize the batch, acknowledge the safety confirmation. After
finalization, a batch can not be reopened.