4 description of function, 1 functional principle of the scrubber, Description of function 4.1 – BUCHI Scrubber K-415 User Manual

Page 21: Functional principle of the scrubber, 4description of function, 4 .1 functional principle of the scrubber

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4 Description of function


K-415 Operation Manual, Version B


Description of function

This chapter explains the basic principle of the instrument, shows how it is structured and gives a
functional description of the assemblies.

The pump draws off the gases and vapors produced in chemical reactions via a condenser providing
a receiving vessel underneath. The suction performance of the pump can be regulated via a bypass
valve on the rearside of the instrument.
The condensation stage is used as a preliminary extractor for vapors, water steam (to prevent
warming or an increase in volume of the washing solution) and for the liquids carried along with them,
thus extending the service life of the neutraliza tion stage.
The acid or alkaline gases are washed and neutralized in the neutralization stage.
The next stage, the adsorption stage, holds back most of the undesired particles by means of
granules of activated charcoal or a universal adsorption granulate. It also enables the aerosols to
In the reaction stage that follows specific redox reactions are accomplished.
The used air is directly lead into an exhaust or into the open air through a silencer. The


-versions of

the K-415 are equipped with a cooling water control unit that allows an automatic start and stop of the
cooling water flow, triggered by the digester (or by the on/off switch of the K-415).

4 .1

Functional principle of the Scrubber







a Receiving vessel
b Condenser
c Reaction tubelet (Reaction stage)

d Adsorption vessel
e Neutralization vessel
f Tray for adsorption vessel and tube connector

Fig. 4.1: Overview over the Scrubber