Audio Damage Sequencer 1 User Manual
Page 21

There are some randomly generated shapes which don’t lend themselves to drawings. They
Random Step
At the beginning of each cycle, the LFO’s output jumps to a randomly
chosen value and stays there for the duration of its cycle.
Random Ramp
At the beginning of each cycle, the LFO chooses a new value at random
and moves to that value in a linear manner over the duration of its cycle.
Random +/-
Same as Random Step but the value is always either MIN or MAX.
Random +0-
Same as Random Step but the value is always MIN, MAX, or halfway in
The Length parameter determines how long it takes for the LFO to complete one cycle; in other
words, how fast it runs. The LFO Length is expressed in steps. For example, if Length is set to
3, the LFO will complete one cycle every time the sequencer plays three steps. Note that Length
can be higher than the number of steps in the pattern, and has an upper limit of 256, meaning
that you can set up the LFO so that the pattern repeats several times before the LFO completes
one cycle.
Amplitude, Range
These parameters work together to set the voltage range of the
LFO’s output. The Range parameter chooses the minimum and
maximum output voltages for the LFO, that is, the range of voltages it can generate. There are
three choices, as shown in this table:
The Amplitude parameter sets how much of that range the LFO actually produces, and is
expressed as a percentage from zero to 100%. 100% means that the LFO’s output will swing
between the minimum and maximum values set by the Range parameter. 50% means that the
output will cover half of that range, starting at zero volts, and 0% means 0V comes out. For
example, a Range setting of + and an Amplitude of 40% will make the LFO’s output vary
between 0V and +2V. A Range of +/- and an Amplitude of 70% will produce output voltages from
-3.5V to +3.5V.
Amp Range Phase
53% +/- 116