Step mode – Audio Damage Sequencer 1 User Manual

Page 18

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Pitch CV


The Pitch CV operates in one of two modes which determine
what happens when the sequencer plays steps whose gate is
off. The two modes are:


– The Pitch CV output retains the voltage it generated the last time it played a step

whose gate was on. This is the default mode, and usually the one you’ll use. It prevents the
pitch of the note from changing unexpectedly when the sequencer advances to an empty note,
particularly if the sequencer is driving a patch with envelopes long enough to create a legato


– The Pitch CV output always changes to whatever note value is programmed for each

step. This mode may be useful if you’re using the Pitch CV output for something other than
controlling the pitch of the oscillator(s) in your patch.

6.1.3. Step Mode

This edit mode accesses parameters for each step. The parameters shown in the LCD are for
the selected step. To select a step, press and hold the appropriate Step button. Its LED will light
up brightly. You can select steps freely while the sequencer is playing.

Step mode has two pages of parameters.

CV1, CV2, CV3

These three parameters set the voltages generated at the three
CV output jacks. The values are displayed in 100ths of a volt,
and range from -500 to +500. For instance, setting CV2 to -123
means that the CV 2 jack will output -1.23V when the step plays.


Sets how long the Gate output jack will turn on when the step plays. This value is expressed as
a percentage of the duration of the step, and ranges from 1% to 100%. Since 100% means that
the Gate stays on for the entire duration of the step, the LCD


rather than 100%, indicating that the step is

effectively joined to the next one.


Same as the Gate setting, but for the Accent output jack.


Short for ratchets, this sets how many times the Gate output turns on and off if the Ratchet Bank
button is illuminated for the step. You can select 2, 3, or 4. If the Ratchet button is not turned on,
this parameter is displayed with parentheses around it because it has no effect.

Pitch CV



+012 -147 +333

Oct:2 +Ξ-

GtTim AcTim Rats

43% 72% (2)

Oct:2 +Ξ-_