Wireless 11n usb adapter – ALFA NETWORK AWUS048NH User Manual
Page 45

Wireless 11N USB Adapter
802.1x: This item appears while the environment is set to an Open authentication with WEP
encryption. Mark the checkbox to make the section available. The section is also available in
WPA and WPA2 authentication types.
Preshared Key(PSK): This is the shared secret between AP and STA. For WPA-PSK,
WPA2-PSK and WPA-NONE authentication mode, this field must be filled with characters
longer than 8 and less than 32 lengths. The following dialog appears if you have input invalid
WEP Key: Only available when using WEP encryption algorithm. The key must match AP's
key. Only using the same cryptographic key to access the computer, the internet can storage,
and decryption the information from other computer.
B. Data Encryption:
Data encryption
There are 4 types supported: Disabled, WEP, TKIP and AES. The
available encryption selection will differ from the authentication type you
have chosen, the result is shown below:
Available Encryption Selection
Open System
Disabled, WEP
Shared Key
802.1X, WPA2 802.1X
WEP 802.1X
Select different Security Options, the configurations are different; you can select the
appropriate security option and configure the exact key as your need.
"Temporary Key Integration communication Protocol", it provide each packet's key
mixture, message integration and key reconstruction mechanism. TKIP can use with personal
or the enterprise network validation.
AES: “Advanced Encryption St
andard”, It is a new method that the wireless transmission of
privacy protection. AES encryption m
ethods prov
ides more careful than TKIP.
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