Valves, Superflex 4 controller – OEM Controls Superflex 4 User Manual

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December 30, 1996


There are eight high current outputs on the Superflex 4 designed to drive four dual coil (bi-directional)
valves. Each output is rated at 3 amps maximum, and has built in short circuit protection. Figure 9 depicts
a typical connection. This example shows the channel 1 valve’s two coils connected to BT3 terminals 12
and 6 for the “A” and “B” directions. In general -


An output from Superflex connector BT3 is connected to the plus side of the valve.


The minus side of the valve is connected to the machines ground or battery minus terminal.

There are two AUX (auxiliary) high current outputs on BT3. Depending on the Superflex 4 application,
these outputs may control the machine’s dump valve, throttle, etc. The AUX outputs are connected in a
similar fashion as the valves shown above.

Superflex 4 Controller

The Superflex 4 has three 12 pin connectors: BT2 is used for inputs, BT3 for outputs and BT1 for power
and Optimizer connections (see figure 10 on the next page for the connector locations). Cables and / or
wiring harnesses may be purchased from OEM Controls in any desired length. Appendix 4 shows the
terminal pin numbers and wiring for your particular application. The BT pin numbers are idendified in
figure 11 on the next page.

Revision B and later Superflex 4 Controllers have two additional 4 pin connectors, BT4 and BT5.
Connector BT5 has power and ground connections, and BT4 has Optimizer connections. Either BT1, or
both BT4 and BT5 may be used for your application.

A label on the Superflex 4 Controller also identifies all connector pins and their functions.

Figure 9