OEM Controls SB25 User Manual

Sb25 user’s manual 1 general information, 2 i/o

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1 General


1.1 SB25 Controller

The SB25 is an environmentally hardened, software controlled, valve drive board.
It receives inputs from rotational sensors (Digisensors), switches, pulse type inputs
(tachometers), and other transducers and directly operates inductive loads such as
proportional PWM electrohydraulic valves, digital (on/off) loads, and loads requiring a
proportional analog voltage. Each output signal may be independently fine-tuned and
calibrated with the hand held Optimizer.

The SB25 has removable connectors for power, inputs, outputs, and Optimizer
connections. These connectors are designated “BT1” through “BT8”. All inputs and
outputs have an associated LED for diagnostic use. In addition, 4 system diagnostic
LEDs are provided for board operation status. A custom cover label identifies the
customer defined name for each of the active inputs and outputs. This cover label also
shows the pinout for each connector and identifies the function of each diagnostic LED.

The SB25 Controller is a versatile and flexible control device. It is custom factory
programmed by OEM Controls Inc. to perform the required control function. A few
examples of its flexibility include:

Single or dual coil proportional valves with PWM frequencies from 33Hz to 250Hz.

Single or dual axis joysticks.

Digital inputs for High/Low ranges, start-up interlocks, output enables, etc.

Auxiliary outputs for dump valves, alarms, multiplexed output selection, etc.

User defined “belly” curves to modify the joystick’s output characteristics.

The SB25 is supplied with factory default settings (such as maximum output, threshold,
and ramp time) for the electrohydraulic valves used. However, the customer may select
custom default settings and adjustment limits. Factory programmed data allows the SB25
to be installed and ready to use as delivered. Please contact OEM Controls Inc. for
details on customizing the SB25 Controller for your particular application.

2 I/O

The SB25 has multiple I/O (input/output) options. The number of each type of I/O is
configurable by OEM Controls, Inc.

2.1 Inputs

2.1.1 Digisensor Inputs

The Digisensor is a rotational sensor that converts joystick or rotary handle movement
into an electrical signal. The Digisensor requires only two wires and can transmit its
signal to an SB25 controller up to 500 feet away.