Leica Geosystems GPS System 500 Equipment - User Manual User Manual
Page 37

GPS Equipment User Manual - 4.0.0en
Getting started with the new Survey equipment
Position Fix Indication
The sensor will compute a 2D-
position once 3 satellites are tracked.
A 3-D position will be computed.
If the accuracy icon does not become
visible even after one or two minutes
then the sensor is still not tracking
satellites. One reason for this is the
receiver receiving signals at a loca-
tion more than 500km from the
startup position. If this is the case,
then the receiver will download a new
almanac. This will take about 15
minutes. Another reason for the
receiver not tracking is a faulty
antenna cable connection. Please
check whether the antenna cable is
connected properly to both the sensor
and antenna.
If you’re in an open area with no
obstructions, the “number of satellites
used” should correspond to the
“number of visible satellites”. How-
ever, in obstructed areas, such as
urban canyons or forested areas, it is
unlikely that the receiver will be able
to track all the satellites in the sky.
This is not a problem, but will degrade
the accuracy of measurements
slightly. Consequently, please keep
monitoring the accuracy icon.
Once the Accuracy Status icon
appears, data collection can begin.
Step 2: Choosing your Configura-
tion Settings
(DATA COLL \ Begin)
Configuration Set (Config Set) is a
collection of sensor parameters
needed to perform various methods
of data collection. These include data
recording rates, data formats, an-
tenna types, coding methods, etc.
Several default configuration sets
exist which cover standard data
collection scenarios. For information
on how to create configuration sets,
please refer to the hardware refer-
ence manual on the GIS DataPRO
software CD.
If no real time differential corrections
are used (i.e. you do not have the
RTCM differential beacon module
attached to the sensor), you should
select the GIS_PP (PP = Post
Processing) configuration set.
QuickStart Tutorial - GIS Data Collection, continued
Getting started with the new GIS equipment