Getting started with the new rs equipment, Rs500 - introduction – Leica Geosystems GPS System 500 Equipment - User Manual User Manual

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GPS Equipment User Manual - 4.0.0en

Getting started with the new Survey equipment

RS500 - Introduction

The RS500 receiver has been de-
signed specifically for use as a
reference station.

The RS500 uses the same housing
and meets the same technical and
environmental specifications as the
SR5xx sensors. For details please
refer to the Technical Specifications
section of this manual.

Generally, the RS500 operates in the
same manner as the SR530, but is
designed to operate for specific
reference station applications using
remote control software, i.e. Leica
Geosystems ControlStation™ soft-

It supports internal logging of GPS
raw data, but can also log data from
external devices approved by Leica
Geosystems. Both GPS raw data and
external sensor data can be directly
output to an external remote control
software package.

With a radio modem attached, the
receiver can be used to transmit data
for RTK operations using proprietary
as well as standard RTCM or CMR
formats. The RS500 cannot receive
Reference Station broadcasts and
therefore cannot be used as a Real-
Time rover receiver.

Standard Features
The RS500 includes the following
standard features, which are not
available as standard in the SR5xx
sensor types:
One PPS Output port.
Two Event Input ports.
Ring Buffer logging.
Support for external sensors (Meteo/

Data Storage
The RS500 supports all standard
Leica Geosystems PCMCIA card
types. The internal memory option
may be installed as well. This ena-
bles data to be stored internally for

Outside World Interface (OWI)
External control of the RS500 via
remote interface is achieved through
use of the Outside World Interface
(OWI) command language. The
ASCII/NMEA type message format
from Leica as well as the compact
Leica Binary 2 format can be used.
Integration assistance and OWI
documentation is available on request
from Leica Geosystems.

Getting started with the new RS equipment

Getting started with the new RS equipment