Dynon Avionics FlightDEK-D180 Pilots Users Guide User Manual
Page 55
HSI Operation
c. “VOR” in green text. This means the radio is tuned to a standard VOR station and is giving a
urse, the CDI is
course to the heading of the primary ILS runway causes the CDI needle to be reversed.
tic headi
g c
G). The ring of tick marks and numbers acts as a
ted to by the
valid TO or FROM indication.
d. “LOC” in green text. This indication means that the radio is tuned to a localizer. The glideslope
scale is visible as well, but may be flagged invalid.
e. “BC” in yellow text. This indication means that the radio is tuned to a localizer and is in back
course mode. The glideslope scale is visible as well, but may be flagged invalid. Note: when
flying a back course on an HSI, no reversal is needed since the CDI indicator spins with the DG.
If the course is set to the runway heading of the ILS, when flying the back co
flipped 180 degrees and indicates properly with no reversal needed. If you put the SL-30 into
back course mode, you need to set the course to the heading of the back course runway. Setting the
2. Digital heading indicator. The number in this box is the current magne
001 to 360. The accuracy of this data depends on the accuracy of the headin
3. Directional Gyro (D
ng of the aircraft in degrees from
alibration for your FlightDEK-
traditional directional gyro. The current magnetic heading of the aircraft is
the heading that is at the top of the page and is being poin
heading indicator.
4. Bug indicator. This user-settable bug also appears on the EFIS heading tape. Colored yellow, it can be toggled
on and off using the HSI menu or the main EFIS menu.
The HEADING knob on the HS34 always controls the headin
displayed switches the bug to the on sta
g bug. Turn
te. Press the HEADING knob to s
FlightDEK-D180 Pilot’s User Guide
ing the knob when the bug is not
ync the bug to the current heading.