Compass accuracy and autopilot performance – Dynon Avionics FlightDEK-D180 Pilots Users Guide User Manual

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Product Overview

instrument uses airspeed to provide superior attitude accuracy. If a problem develops with your airspeed reading, a
properly connected and configured GPS source acts as a substitute.
When in this mode the instrument continues to provide accurate

*If a GPS is present upon the loss of airspeed, the FlightDEK-D180
uses the GPS ground speed in its attitude calculation. When in this
mode, a magenta GPS ASSIST message is displayed over the horizon and the ground speed is
displayed below the IAS indicator (as shown at right). If the connectivity with the GPS fails
while in GPS assist mode, the attitude continues to be displayed, using the last known GPS
ground speed as a reference. This mode is flagged on the horizon with a yellow CROSS
CHECK ATTITUDE message. In the very rare case that this sequence of event occurs, the
FlightDEK-D180’s attitude accuracy is reduced; use other references in the aircraft to cross-
check against the FlightDEK-D180’s attitude.


If you are using your FlightDEK-D180 to control Dynon’s Autopilot, it is critical that the magnetic heading be as
accurate as possible for comfortable operation in HDG mode and radio-based VOR/NAV mode. The aircraft’s compass
must be installed correctly, calibrated, and operating well in all attitudes.

FlightDEK-D180 Pilot’s User Guide
