CANOGA PERKINS CanogaView Smart Element Manager User Manual

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Smart Element Manager

Æ 5U Chassis View

Graphical display for an individual 5U Chassis

Æ Alarm Monitor

Alarm filter for the selected Chassis and its

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

Æ Reports

Chassis specific reports for this chassis and all of
its components

Æ Chassis Status

Chassis level status

Æ CIM View

Graphical display of CIM device

Æ Alarm Monitor

Alarm filter for this device only

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

Æ Status

CIM module level status

Æ Configuration

Display and edit CIM level features

Æ DMM View

Graphical display of DMM device

Æ Alarm Monitor

Alarms filtered for this device only

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

Æ Status

DMM module level status

Æ Configuration

Display and edit DMM level features

Æ Reset

Reset the selected DMM device

Æ Power Supply – AC View

Graphical display of 5U AC Power Supply

Æ Alarm Monitor

Alarms filtered for this device only

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

Æ Power Supply – DC View

Graphical display of 5U DC Power Supply

Æ Alarm Monitor

Alarms filtered for this device only

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

Æ LAN Extension Products View

Graphical display of 1230 device and installed 3xx
slot devices. This level will be bypassed if the
user selects one of the devices within a slot vs the
1230 device.

Æ Alarm Monitor

Alarms filtered for this 1230 device and installed

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

Æ Status

1230 module level status

Æ Configuration

Display and edit 1230 device level features

Æ Reset

Reset or Reset/Swap options for one or all
installed slot devices

Æ Device 3xx View

Graphical display of individual 3xx Lan device –
circuit view displayed if side band mgmt available
for the type of 3xx device installed

Æ Alarm Monitor

Alarm filter for the 3xx device selected

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

Æ Status

3xx module level status

Æ Configuration

Display and edit 3xx device level features

Æ Reset

Reset the selected 3xx device

Æ Modem Product View

Graphical display of T3 2x4x or T1 2x6x products
showing circuit level with redundancy if installed

Æ Alarm Monitor

Alarms filtered for all modems on this circuit –
local, remote and redundant

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

Æ Status

Circuit level status

Æ Configuration

Display and edit modem level features

Æ Reset

Circuit level reset for one or more modems

Æ 600x Product View

Æ Alarm Monitor

Alarms filtered for the 600x device selected

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

Æ Status

Æ Configuration

Æ Reset

Æ 6100 Product View

Æ Alarm Monitor

Æ Telnet

Telnet to the DMM managing the domain

