Kidde KN-COEG-3 (900-0113) User Manual
Page 8

• Negative pressure resulting from the use of exhaust fans.
• Simultaneous operation of several fuel-burning appliances competing
for limited internal air.
• Vent pipe connections vibrating loose from clothes dryers, furnaces, or
water heaters.
• Obstructions in, or unconventional, vent pipe designs which can
amplify the above situations.
• Extended operation of unvented fuel-burning devices (range, oven,
fireplace, etc.).
• Temperature inversions which can trap exhaust gases near the ground.
• Vehicle idling in an open or closed garage, or near a home.
To be safe, know the possible sources of CO in your home. Keep fuel-
burning appliances and their chimneys and vents in good working condi-
tion. Learn the early symptoms of exposure, and if you suspect CO poi-
soning, move outside to fresh air and get emergency help. Your first line
of defense is an annual inspection and regular maintenance of your
appliances. Contact a licensed contractor or call your local utility compa-
ny for assistance.
Information About Carbon Monoxide Alarms –
What They Can and Cannot Do:
CO alarms provide early warning of the presence of CO, usually before a
healthy adult would experience symptoms. This early warning is possible,
however, only if your CO alarm is located, installed and maintained as
described in this guide.
Because carbon monoxide is a cumulative poison, long-term exposures
to low levels may cause symptoms, as well as short-term exposures to
high levels. This Kidde unit has a time-weighted alarm – the higher the
level of CO present, the sooner the alarm will be triggered.
This CO alarm can only warn you of the presence of CO. It does not
prevent CO from occurring, nor can it solve an existing CO problem. If
your unit has alarmed and you’ve provided ventilation by leaving your
windows and doors open, the CO buildup may have dissipated by the
time help responds. Although your problem may appear to be
temporarily solved, it’s crucial that the source of the CO is determined
and that the appropriate repairs are made.
1. Information About Carbon Monoxide
and Explosive Gas
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