Pigtronix Mothership Analog Synthesizer User Manual
Page 9

20. Plug in a TRS 20K Expression pedal into the WHAMMY jack.
21. With the pedal pressed all the way forward (toe side), tune the VCO
to sound in unison with the CLEAN SIGNAL LEVEL.
22. Change the position of the expression pedal to put it all the way back
(heel side). Now use the WHAMMY RANGE dial to set the pitch of the
VCO to one octave below the CLEAN SIGNAL LEVEL.
23. Play your instrument and use the expression pedal to sweep the pitch
up and down one full octave.
Note: Always tune with the WHAMMY expression pedal pressed fully
forward (toe side). The WHAMMY RANGE control will have no effect
on the tuning as long as the expression pedal is all the way forward.
To set the intervallic range of the Whammy function, put the
expression pedal all the way back (heel side) and set the amount of
pitch drop with the WHAMMY RANGE dial.
24. Push the expression pedal all the way forward (toe side) and turn on
the INTELLIGENT RING MODULATOR footswitch. Make sure the RING
MOD SOURCE switch is set to INPUT and tune the Ring Modulator to a
unison sound.
25. Play your instrument while sweeping the pitch of both the Ring
Modulator and VCO. Notice how the pitch bend of the VCO and
Ring Modulator move in different directions.
26. Set the RING MOD SOURCE switch to VCO and play the same way.
Listen to how the pitch bend moves in parallel with the VCO voice
Advanced Tuning
27. It is possible to get HUGE polyphonic chords out of the Mothership. In
fact, using the WHAMMY control, you can actually bend between
two different chords. To achieve this, tune the VCO first, setting it to an
interval of your choice. Then tune the Ring Modulator voice to fill out
the chord. The Ring Modulator always produces two tones, allowing
you to create five note chords from a single input tone when using
Ring Mod, VCO, Clean Signal and Sub Octave all together.