Rane MM 12 User Manual
Page 12

set of headphones into the MM 12 to monitor BOTH the house mix and the monitor mixes as
necessary. Whenever any of the MM 12 CUE buttons is depressed, you will hear the mix in that
monitor. When none of the MM 12 CUE buttons are depressed, you wiII automatically hear the
house mix from the main mixer, allowing you to use the main mixer cue system without
switching the headphones back and forth between mixers (slick, no?).
You may use the
MAINS INPUT in the headphone section of the MM 12 to verify any input to the MM 12 or
make tone adjustments during the performance.
1. Obtain a stereo 1/4" PATCH CORD at least 18” long.
2. Remove the case from one of the stereo plugs on this cord: using a small piece of wire,
connect the TIP lug to the RING Iug so that the TIP and RlNG are shorted together but remain
isolated from the GROUND. By doing this, the SEND and RETURN in the MM 12 LOOP jack
will remain connected when this special cable is inserted. preventing signal loss at the MIX
LEVEL controls.
If a mono patch cable or un-modified stereo patch cable is plugged into the LOOP
jack on any input, the SEND/RETURN link will be interrupted and that channel will no longer
be present in the output mixes.
3. Plug one end of your modified cable into the MAINS input on the MM 12 headphone
section: then plug the other end into any of the input LOOP jacks to listen to the input program
without interrupting monitor mix content.
BEWARE: The MM 12 has a powerful headphone amplifier—keep the headphone volume
control turned down before plugging into the LOOP jacks. A sudden blast in the headphones
when plugging in just might render you cross-eyed for several minutes.
Expand inputs are provided on the MM 12 to enable
two MM 12’s to be used "piggy-back" for 24 inputs into 6 outputs. Simply plug the OUTPUTS
of one MM 12 into the EXPAND inputs of the second MM 12 and you will have 24-in/6-out
with the same layout logic. Use the following procedure:
1. Plug the OUTPUTS of one MM 12 into the EXPAND inputs of the second MM 12.
2. Plug the OUTPUTS of the second MM 12 into the monitor amplifiers.
3. Set the MASTER level controls of the first MM 12 to full output level; then use only the
MASTER levels of the second MM 12 to control the volume in each of the monitor speakers.
4. Now each of the six monitor speakers will have 16 MIX LEVEL controls. Use the submixing
capability of each MM 12 to best suit your needs as described in Section IV-1A.
5. Whenever possible, locate the first MM 12 ABOVE the second MM 12 to maintain the
vertical columns of MIX LEVEL knobs for each monitor speaker.
6. In using two MM 12s. you now will have TWO two-stage parametric equalizers for each
monitor speaker, giving you greater feedback control. Use the parametrics as outlined in
Section IV-3.