Rane MLM 82a 1999 version User Manual
Mlm 82a, Operators manual

MLM 82a
When connecting the MLM 82a to other components in
your system for the first time, leave the power supply for last.
This gives you a chance to make mistakes and correct them
without damage to your fragile speakers, ears and nerves.
The four XLR jacks provided on the MLM 82a are
balanced MIC/LINE inputs. They will also accept unbalanced
connectors. Use only shielded cable for inputs. For best noise
rejection use two-conductor-plus-shielded wire, even for
unbalanced operation. Connect the shield at both ends to help
insure proper grounding. See the Sound System Interconnec-
tion RaneNote included with this manual for all cable
adaptations. Rane follows the AES recommended practice of
pin 2 positive, pin 3 negative, and pin 1 to shield. Switch any
input connected to a microphone to the MIC position (out)
using the associated switches on the rear panel. When
connecting line level signals, switch the input to the LINE
position (in). A single phantom power switch is provided for
the four MIC inputs. If LINE is selected, Phantom Power is
disabled for that input.
This section is provided as a convenience for those in a rush. If you are experienced with this unit or other Rane
products, these few words will refresh your memory.
INPUTS 1 through 4 may be microphone or line level. The choice between the two is made by setting the LINE push
buttons on the REAR of the unit next to the MIC/LINE INPUT JACKS. Each microphone input may be assigned to A, B
or A+B outputs using the front panel ASSIGN switches.
INPUTS 5 through 8 are stereo line inputs which may be set to mono using the recessed MONO switches located on
the front panel.
Internal switches allow setting output signal levels for MIC or LINE. The factory default setting is LINE. If the MLM
82a is connected directly to a power amplifier, equalizer or recorder input, choose LINE level. If the MLM 82a is con-
nected to a microphone jack of an existing sound system, choose MIC level.
Once Inputs, Outputs, and power are properly connected, with the OUTPUT LEVELS counterclockwise (off), set the
Input LEVELS as high as possible without causing the SIG/OL indicators to blink red except during extreme signal peaks.
Now slowly raise the OUTPUT LEVELS as desired.
Never connect anything except an approved Rane power supply to the red thing that looks like a telephone jack on
the rear of the MLM 82a. This is an AC input and requires special attention if you do not have a power supply exactly like
the one that was originally packed with your unit. See the full explanation of the power supply requirements on page
The ¼" connectors are line-level balanced/unbalanced
Inputs. If the MLM 82a is to be used with unbalanced
sources, consult the Sound System Interconnection RaneNote
included with this manual for proper wiring. Stereo Inputs
use both A and B jacks at each INPUT. INPUTS 5 through 8
also serve as mono Inputs when the front panel MONO
switch is engaged.
The MLM 82a’s OUTPUTS are balanced. The same
wiring conventions as the XLR Inputs apply. The type of
device following the MLM 82a must be considered when
setting the internal Output Level switch. Choose between
LINE (0 dB) or MIC (-40 dB) output, the factory setting is
LINE. If the MLM 82a is connected directly to a power
amplifier input, choose LINE level. If the MLM 82a is
connected to a micro-
phone jack on an
existing sound system,
choose MIC level. For
unbalanced OUTPUT
connections do not tie
pin 3 (i.e. “–”) to
WEAR PARTS: This product contains no wear parts.