Rane MC 22 User Manual
Operators manual, Mc 22

Shredded, this document makes excellent packing material. In its present form, it makes interesting and useful reading.
If you run out of patience quickly, at least read this part to make sure you don’t exterminate everything within a two mile
radius by doing something wrong.
Attach one or two channels of inputs and outputs to the respective connectors on the rear. This device uses low imped-
ance balanced line drivers. Do not connect the XLR “+” or “–” output pins to ground, as this may cause the power supply
to shut down. For unbalanced use, leave the unused output pin (“+” or “–”) unterminated.
With the RATIO turned all the way down at 1:1, THRESHOLD turned all the way up to 20 dBu, and the LEVEL
controls in their center at 0 dB, you have an expensive patch cord.
While sending a signal to the MC 22, adjust the INPUT LEVEL so the +4 dBu LED lights occasionally, but the OL
LED does not light. Now increase the RATIO to something useful, like 2:1 (with the control set at 2, the Ratio is 2:1; at 5,
it is 5:1.) Adjust the THRESHOLD to the point you want the Compressor to kick in. The GAIN REDUCTION meter
reads the amount of signal compression.
Both Compressors will activate by the source material applied to either Channel if the LINK switch is ON. This is the
preferred setting for stereo program material.
WEAR PARTS: This product contains no wear parts.
MC 22