Rane DMS 22 User Manual
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ቢÿPOWER indicator: illuminates yellow any time an approved Rane AC remote supply such as an RS 1 (included) or RAP
10 is connected to the unit and is active.
ባÿ48V PHANTOM POWER switch & indicator: In the in position, 48 volts DC Phantom Power is applied to pins 2 and 3
of the INPUT connector. When Phantom Power is on the LED will illuminate.
ቤÿPOLARITY switch: allows the user to change the Output polarity in respect to the Input polarity. It affects all Outputs. In
the NORM position, polarity is preserved throughout the unit. In the INVERT position, signal polarity is reversed from the
Input to the Output.
ብÿOL LED indicator: illuminates red any time signal is within 4 dB of clipping. Two key locations are monitored.
ቦÿINPUT GAIN control: increases Input GAIN as it is rotated clockwise. Its range is 15 dB of gain at full CCW rotation to
60 dB at full CW rotation.
ቧÿOUTPUT LEVEL control: is an attenuation-type control that adds no gain, but can reduce the amount of output signal. At
full CCW no signal will be present at any DMS 22 Output, and at full CW no attenuation will be applied to the signal,
allowing full signal to CHANNEL OUTPUTS and to the STEREO OUTPUT LEVEL controls.
ቨÿLOW EQ level control: determines the amount of boost or cut applied to the DMS 22’s Accelerated Slope (TM) low
frequency shelving equalizer. The center detent provides a ground for the filter, thus bypassing it. Rotating this knob CW
increases signal gain below the frequency set by the Low Frequency Turnover Switch to a maximum of +12 dB with a
shelving characteristic; CCW from center decreases the gain to a minimum of -15 dB.
ቩÿLOW frequency turnover switch: determines the mid band filter location at either 50 Hz or 100 Hz. For full boost/cut
amounts, this frequency is where the gain change equals approximately 9 dB.
ቪÿMIDRANGE EQ level control: As above, CW rotation increases gain, CCW rotation decreases gain. In center detent the
control is grounded and effectively removed from the circuit. For the MID FREQUENCY EQ we have a bandpass type filter
as opposed to a shelving type filter. The range is -15 dB to +12 dB.
ቫÿMIDRANGE OCTAVE bandwidth selector: allows the user to select 1/3, 1 or 2 octave coverage for the midrange filter.
ቭÿMIDRANGE frequency control: determines the center frequency of the midrange filter with a range of 95 Hz to 4 kHz.
ቮÿHIGH EQ level control: determines the amount of boost or cut applied to the patented Accelerated Slope (TM) high
frequency shelving equalizer. In center detent the control is grounded and effectively removed from the circuit. CW rotation
increases the gain of the mixer above the frequency set by the High Frequency Turnover Switch to a maximum of +12 dB in
a shelving fashion; CCW from center decreases the gain to a minimum of -15 dB.
ቯÿHIGH frequency turnover switch: selects the mid-band location of the High filter at either 7 kHz or 12 kHz. For full
boost/cut amounts, this frequency is where the gain change equals approximately 6 dB.
ተÿEQ engage switch: In the IN position the EQ controls actually work. In the OUT position all EQ controls simply add to the
stylish looks of the unit and do nothing.
ቱÿPAN control: In the center position, this control sends an equal amount of signal to both the LEFT and RIGHT STEREO
OUTS with the PAN pushbutton IN. As you rotate this control CW more of the signal is sent to the RIGHT STEREO OUT
and less to the LEFT STEREO OUT. Conversely if you rotate this control CCW more of the signal is sent to the LEFT and
less to the RIGHT. This control does not affect the individual CHANNEL OUTPUTS.
ቲÿPAN engage switch: In the IN position, the PAN control operates as described above. In the OUT position it is believed
that all the Planets are held in their correct Solar orbit, the PAN control does not function, and that Channel does not send a
signal to the STEREO OUTPUTS.
ታÿSTEREO OUTPUT LEVEL control: is an attenuation-type control which adds no gain to the Output signal but can reduce
the amount of signal available at (only) the STEREO OUTPUTS. At full CCW no signal will be present at the STEREO
OUTPUTS. At full CW no attenuation will be applied, delivering full signal to the STEREO OUTPUTS. Note: this controls
does nothing unless one or more of the PAN IN/OUT switches are in the IN position. Consequently the Planets of our Solar
system may fall out of orbit.