Rane AC 23B (1998 version) User Manual
Page 18

Monoing the Low Frequency
It is possible to mono the Low Frequency Outputs of the
AC 23B by an internal jumper modification. This requires
that the Delay 1 and Delay 3 circuits be removed from the
signal path, and that R33 be removed. The following proce-
dure will assist you through the modification. Soldering is
required. This modification should only be attempted by an
experienced technician.
1. Refer to the board layout on page Schematics-1 and on the
circuit board.
2. Behind the Channel 1 LF LEVEL pot find the jumper
labeled W4. Behind the Channel 1 LF DELAY pot find the
jumper labeled W8.
3. To remove the Delay 1 circuit from the Low Frequency
output, remove both the W4 and W8 jumpers.
4. To get the Low Frequency output to work again, install a
long jumper from W8 Pin 1 to W4 Pin 2.
The Delay 1 circuit is now removed from all circuits.
1. Refer to the board layout on page Schematics-1 and on the
circuit board.
2. Behind the Channel 2 LF DELAY pot find the jumper
labeled W44. Behind the Channel 1 LF LEVEL pot find
the jumper labeled W42.
3. To remove the Delay 3 circuit from the Low Frequency
output, remove both the W42 and W44 jumpers.
4. To get the Low Frequency output to work again, install a
long jumper from W44 Pin 1 to W42 Pin 2.
The Delay 3 circuit is now removed from all circuits.
1. Refer to the board layout on page Schematics-1 and on the
circuit board.
2. Behind the Channel 2 LF LEVEL pot find the resistor R33,
and remove it, in any way your heart desires, though
violence will void your warranty.
3. Behind the Channel 1 HF LEVEL pot find the jumper W29.
4. Install a short jumper wire from W29 Pin 1 to W29 Pin 2.
Solder in place.
The Low Frequency Outputs are now summed.
Constant Directivity Horn
Equalization Modification
Constant Directivity (or CD) horns need additional
equalization to help cover the same area a long throw horn
can cover. Additional circuitry has been added to the AC 23B
for the additional equalization of the High Frequency outputs
for the CD Horns. This modification should only be attempted
by an experienced technician.
It is important to know the 3 dB down point of the CD
driver's frequency response. The manufacturer of your driver
should be able to supply you with a chart showing a fre-
quency response curve. Find the point where the high end
starts to roll off, and look for the point on the chart that is 3
dB down from that point (toward the right, as the higher
frequencies roll off). Find the frequency at the bottom of the
chart of this point—an approximate is fine, you don't have to
be exact. Find the closest frequency in the table below to
determine the correct value capacitor to install in the AC 23B
to correct for this high frequency roll off.
The following procedure is for CD horn EQ on the High
output in Stereo 3-Way mode. For a Mono 4- or 5-Way
system with a CD horn on the high output, only place C16 in
Channel 2.
1. Remove the top and bottom covers of the AC 23B.
2. Locate the positions for C15 and C16 on page Schematics-
1 and on the circuit board. C15 (for Channel 1) is located
behind the CH 1 MF MUTE switch. C16 (for Channel 2) is
located behind the CH 2 MF MUTE switch.
3. Clean the solder pad on the underside of the board so that
the appropriate capacitor can be inserted. Install the
capacitor, and solder the leads from the underside using
fresh solder. Clip the excess leads.
4. Replace the top and bottom covers.
3 dB Down
2.0 kHz
.0015 µf
2.5 kHz
.0012 µf
3.0 kHz
.001 µf
3.7 kHz
820 pf
4.0 kHz
750 pf
5.0 kHz
620 pf
6.4 kHz
470 pf
©Rane Corporation 10802 47th Ave. W., Mukilteo WA 98275-5098 TEL (425)355-6000 FAX (425)347-7757 WEB http://www.rane.com