Lithofin oil-ex – Pro-Link Lithofin Oil-Ex 120056 User Manual

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Material Safety Data Sheet

Printed: 13.06.2005

Revised: 13.06.2005

Lithofin OIL-EX


Thermal decomposition / conditions to be avoided:
No decomposition if used and stored according to specifications.
Dangerous reactions No dangerous reactions known
Dangerous products of decomposition:
In the case of fire or at high temperatures the formation of the following decomposition products is
possible: Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
11 Toxicological information

Acute toxicity:
LD/LC50 values that are relevant for classification:
100-41-4 ethylbenzene
Oral: LD50: 3500 mg/kg (rat)
Dermal: LD50: 17800 mg/kg (rabbit)

1330-20-7 xylene, mixed isomers, pure
Oral: LD50: 4300 mg/kg (rat)
Dermal: LD50: 2000 mg/kg (rabbit)
Inhalative: LC50/4 h: 6350 mg/l (rat)

Primary irritant effect:
on the skin:
Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause slight skin irritation.
on the eye: No irritating effect.
Sensitization: No sensitizing effects known.
Additional toxicological information:
Inhalation of concentrated vapours as well as oral intake will lead to anaesthesia-like conditions and
headache, dizziness, etc.
12 Ecological information:

Ecotoxical effects:
Acquatic toxicity:
Presently there are no ecotoxicological values available.
Toxic for fish
Toxic for water fleas
Toxic for algae
General notes:
Follow the instructions for use of the producer or supplier.
Do not allow product to reach ground water, water course or sewage system.
Danger to drinking water if even small quantities leak into the ground.
13 Disposal considerations

Must not be disposed of together with household garbage. Do not allow product to reach sewage
system. Disposal according to instructions of local authorities.

Unclean packaging:
Disposal must be made according to official regulations.
14 Transport information

DOT regulations:
Hazard class:


Identification number:
