Lithofin oil-ex – Pro-Link Lithofin Oil-Ex 120056 User Manual
Page 4

Material Safety Data Sheet
Printed: 13.06.2005
Revised: 13.06.2005
Lithofin OIL-EX
Do not inhale dust / smoke / mist.
Do not eat or drink while working.
Use skin protection cream for skin protection.
The usual protective measures based on the application have to be followed.
All protective equipment used shall be according to 29 CFR.1910 Subpart I Personal Protective
Breathing equipment:
Not necessary if room is well-ventilated.
In case of brief exposure or low pollution use respiratory filter device. In case of intensive or longer
exposure use respiratory protective device that is independent of circulating air.
Short term filter device:
Filter A
NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator
Protection of hands:
Wear chemically resistant protective gloves (tested according to DIN EN 374)
The glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the product/ the substance/ the
Selection of the glove material on consideration of the penetration times, rates of diffusion and the
degradation. After use of gloves apply skin-cleaning agents and skin cosmetics.
Material of gloves
The selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of
quality and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Penetration time of glove material
The exact break trough time has to be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and has
to be observed.
Eye protection: Chemical safety goggles
Body protection: Protective work clothing.
9 Physical and chemical properties:
General Information
Form: Pasty
Color: Whitish
Odor: Aromatic
Value/Range Unit Method
Change in condition
Melting point/Melting range:
Boiling point/Boiling range: > 130 ° C
Flash point:
> 23 ° C
Auto igniting:
Product is not self igniting.
Danger of explosion:
Product is not explosive. However, formation of explosive
air/vapour mixtures are possible.
Explosion limits:
~ 0.6 Vol %
~ 8.0 Vol %
at 20° C ~ 0.8 g/cm³
Solubility in / Miscibility with
at 20° C > 30 s
10 Stability and reactivity