Exploring mytrainer, Software – Petsafe Elite Pendant™ Remote Trainer User Manual

Page 22

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Exploring myTrainer



software is comprised of four tab pages and a Summary section. When at least one

device is plugged into the USB port, the Summary section is always visible; while the tab pages can

be changed by left clicking the mouse on the tab that interests you (

Fig 2). When no devices are

plugged into the USB ports, you will be limited to the Help tab, despite any tab you may click on.

Fig. 2

Control Box

Device Image Buttons

Training System Summary


Control Box: In the upper right hand corner of the myTrainer

screen is the control box. Inside the

control box are minimize, maximize, and close buttons. The minimize button sends the myTrainer

window to the Task bar, generally located at the bottom of the screen on Windows operating

systems. The maximize button expands the myTrainer

window to take up the whole viewing area

of the screen. However, the Summary area and tab pages will not expand when the maximize

button is pressed.
Device Image Buttons: Device image buttons allow you to select between the Pendant


the Handheld Remote when both are plugged into USB ports simultaneously. The buttons are

outlined in green when connected to the USB port and by red when not connected. Device

image buttons that are outlined in red will ignore mouse clicks. When only one device is

plugged in, it is automatically selected and its information displayed. Only the currently selected

device’s information will be displayed in the Training System Summary section.
Training System Summary: The Summary section contains the following device information:

Product Name

Model Number

Serial Number

Handheld Remote (Transmitter) Identification

Software Revision

Stimulation Profile Type

Estimated Battery Capacity

This information can be copied to the clipboard by using the right click context menu option

and pasted into an email when consulting Customer Care.
The battery symbol displays the estimated battery capacity. When the capacity is above 20%

the battery is green. When the capacity is between 10% and 20% it will be yellow. When the

capacity is below 10% it will be red.