Troubleshooting tips – Workrite Lincoln Under-cabinet Light User Manual

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Lincoln Under-cabinet Light Installation Instructions

Workrite Ergonomics | 800.959.9675


Troubleshooting Tips

The Lincoln Under-cabinet Light will not turn on

• Check all wire and cable connections. Make sure they are

completely and fully engaged.

• Check that the jumper cables or power adapter cables have

not come loose from their connectors

• Make sure that the Transformer is plugged into the wall.
• If a daisy chain, ensure the correct transformer is used for

the number of LEDs in the chain. All transformers should
be Class 2, 12V transformers. Refer to the Table in Step 2
for required current ratings.

• Check that the outlet has power.

The Lincoln Under-cabinet Light flashes on and off

• Unplug the transformer and locate the label. Make sure

that the transformer is ONLY a Class 2, 12V transformer
at 1A (1000mA), 2A (2000mA), or 4A depending on how
many LEDs are connected.

The Lincoln Under-cabinet Light dims or goes out.

• Make sure there are not too many lights in the daisy chain

for the rating of the transformer. Refer to the Table in Step
2 for guidance.

• Check all wire and cable connections. Make sure they are

completely and fully engaged.

• Check that the outlet has power.

The Lincoln Under-cabinet Light will not turn on when I

come back into the work area

• The occupancy sensor has a listed range of 15’. However,

if a lip of the cabinet or other object blocks the full view
of the sensor, then it may have trouble detecting the
presence of a person in the work area. Reposition the light
to have a better view of the work space.