Tjernlund DJ-3, D-3, HD, I, IL, XL Draft Inducer 8504003 Rev A 07/00 User Manual

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3. Adjust the appliance thermostat / aquastat so that no heat is required. At this point the Draft Inducer and appliance should shut


NOTE: If using a P/N 950-1067 post-purge Relay/Timer, the Draft Inducer will continue to run for an adjustable amount of time

after the appliance burner shuts off. See “Post Purge Relay/Timer Adjustment” below for post purge adjustment procedure.


1. Disrupt 115VAC power to the Draft Inducer.

2. The post purge Relay/Timer is marked adjustable delay control. The adjustment is made by turning the small slotted screw. Turn it

counter clockwise to increase the delay, clockwise to decrease the delay. Caution: Use care when adjusting Relay/Timer, over-
turning adjustment screw will damage Relay/Timer and void warranty. Nominal adjustment range is 1 to 10 minutes.


Adequate combustion air is vital for proper combustion and for safe venting. Likewise, for proper Draft Inducer performance, ade-
quate combustion air must be available to the appliance. Many installers assume adequate combustion air is present, especially in
older structures. In some cases this is a false assumption, because many structures have been made "tight" due to weatherization.
Size the combustion air opening(s) into the appliance room as outlined NFPA 54/NFPA 211. Tjernlund’s IN-FORCER


combustion air

intake systems provide a convenient, interlocked way to supply combustion air to the utility room. When installing a Draft Inducer it is
not necessary to supply any more combustion air than normally required when conventional venting.


The PS1505 Fan Proving Switch is designed to disable the appliance upon Draft Inducer failure only! It is not designed and cannot
replace, regular vent system inspection, appliance servicing and combustion testing.

1. Close all doors and windows of the building. If the appliance is installed in a utility room or closet, close the entrance door to this

room. Close fireplace dampers.

2. Turn on all exhaust fans such as range hoods, bathroom exhausts, whole house fans and dryers to maximum speeds.

Do not operate a fan used strictly for Summer exhausting.

3. Following the appliance manufacturer’s instructions, place the appliance in operation, set thermostat for continuous operation.

4. Allow fans and appliance to operate for 5 minutes.

5. Test for spillage at the appliance draft hood, draft control or draft diverter relief opening using the flame

of a match, candle or smoke from a cigarette, cigar or pipe and determine the following:

A) The flame or smoke is being drawn into the draft hood, draft control or draft diverter.

B) The main burner is burning properly, i.e. no floating, lifting or flashback. Adjust the primary air

shutter(s) and Draft Inducer Vari-Draft damper adjustment as required.

C) If the appliance is equipped with high and low flame controlling or flame modulation, check for

proper main burner operation at low flame.

If the draw of the flame or smoke appears to be excessive, follow the “Draft Control” procedure outlined below.

6. Sign and date these instructions to verify that the safety interlock / combustion air test was completed.

These instructions must remain on premises.

SIGN:_________________________ DATE:___________


The degree of the induced draft provided by the Auto-Draft inducer can be varied by the exclusive Vari-Draft Control. Moving the
lever of the Vari-Draft while observing readings with a draft gauge will allow setting for maximum efficiency.

Oil burning installations and gas-fired units without a draft hood / diverter should include a barometric draft control. This should be
adjusted to slightly open at maximum draft. The barometric control will then open further to regulate draft as external conditions
change to lessen effect required by the inducer.

The Models D-3 and DJ-3 are shipped from the factory so that maximum draft is established when the unit is installed. If lesser
draft is required, utilize the Vari-Draft sliding damper found in the installation packet. Sliding the Vari-Draft damper further into the
pipe will lessen the draft produced by the inducer.

When a number of appliances must be served by a common vent, care must be taken in establishing proper connector rise and
manifold size serving each appliance in the vent system. Consult the chapter on chimneys, gas vents and fireplace systems in the
“Equipment Volume“ of the Ashrae Guide and Data Book for specific requirements in a given application.


Specific instructions cannot be made concerning frequency of lubrication. Normal usage will require oiling no more than twice a year.
No more than 3 drops of S.A.E. 20 oil should be used. Oil holes or lances are provided at front and rear faces of motor. Units
with sealed ball bearings will normally operate for years without repacking of bearings.

Models DJ-3 & D-3 require no oiling.

Maladjusted and inefficient burner operation may cause soot and hard carbon buildup on inducer wheel. This can result in an
unbalanced wheel and damage may occur to shaft and bearings, as well as reduce the efficiency of the inducer. Inspect inducer peri-
odically and clean if necessary. Correct burner operation to cleanup fire.