Cingular PPC-6600 User Manual
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LG CDMA PHONES ONLY (Except SPRINT) VX/UX/AX Series VX10, 520, VX2000, 3100,
3200, 3300, 4400, 4500, 4600, 4700, 5550, 6000, 6100, 7000, 8000, 8300, VX-8500 Chocolate,
VX-9900 enV, etc
Press Menu 0. Enter Service Code: 000000 (six zeros). Scroll to FIELD TEST. Press SELECT.
Scroll to SERVICE or SCREEN. Press SELECT. Signal strength is on the line that says RX Level.
On some newer phones you need to make a phone call while in test mode to get the numbers to
update. To exit test mode press CLEAR, END or turn the phone off and on. (Note: On some
models you will need to t
ake the battery off and put it back on again.)
LG CU400, CU500, TU550 (GSM Phones)
Enter 277634#*#. Choose “Modem Setting” (option 5) and press OK. Then choose “Engineer
Mode” (Option 3) and press OK. A yellow window will appear with some information about your
tower. Signal Strength follows RSSI. If you arrow down four times (using the telephone key) you
will see another screen that will display RSSI and the band you are using (e.g. PCS_1900). Press
END twice to exit test mode.
LG CG300, C1300, L1400, C2000 (GSM Phones)
Enter 2945#*#. Choose “Eng Mode” (Option 4) Press OK. Then choose “Cell Environ” (Option 1)
Press OK. The Cell Environ screen will appear with some information about your tower. Signal
strength for the tower you are using is on the top left line and is displayed in 2 digit format that is
not dBm (the higher the number the better). The lines below are neighboring towers. The channel
number which shows frequency(i.e.G598) is also displayed on the same line. Press END to
LG VX-5300
Press MENU, 0. Enter Service Code, 000000 (six zeros). Scroll to FIELD TEST. Press SELECT.
Scroll to SERVICE or SCREEN. Press SELECT. Signal strength is on the line that says RX Level.
On Some newer phones you will want to make a phone call while in the test mode to get the
numbers to update. To exit test mode push CLEAR, END or simply turn off the phone. (Note: On
some models you will need to take the battery off and put it back on again.)
LG VX-8350
Press ## 77647268350, then press SEND (##PROGRAM8350 SEND). Service Code: 000000
(six zeros). Scroll to FIELD TEST. Press SELECT. Scroll to SCREEN. Press SELECT. Signal
strength is on the line that says RX Level. On Some newer phones you will want to make a phone
call while in the test mode to get the numbers to update. To exit test mode push CLEAR, END or
simply turn off the phone. (Note: On some models you will need to take the battery off and put it
back on again.)
LG VX-8600 (or for LG models that do not accept the MENU, 0 command.)
Press ##77647268600, then press SEND (##PROGRAM8600 SEND). Service Code: 000000 (six
zeros). Scroll to FIELD TEST. Press SELECT. Scroll to SERVICE or SCREEN. Press SELECT.
Signal strength is on the line that says RX Level. On Some newer phones you will want to make a
phone call while in the test mode to get the numbers to update. To exit test mode push CLEAR,
END or simply turn off the phone. (Note: On some models you will need to take
the battery off and put it back on again.)