Ring Communications DXC910 User Manual
Page 8
DTMF tones may be sent from one intercom station to the other for remote control. The keypad on
the station sends standard telephone dialing tones (CCITT). This is mainly used for electric door-lock
release and for dialling out to the public telephone network (PTT). The microphone mute function must be
activated while pushing a number key to disable conference add-on . When the B-subscriber (receiver of
the call) is programmed with the privilege “DTMF Device” then the number keys may be activated without
pushing the microphone mute key.
When a station has the privilege “Conference Access” a multiparty conference is accomplished by
dialling the extension of the party to add to the conference. There is no limit to the number of stations in the
conference. The conference is simplex and use only one link. When more than one party is pushing the T-
button the last one to push controls the microphone. The conference initiators T-button has priority. Confer-
ence participants may leave the conference by pushing X. The initiator may disconnect the last called station
by pushing X, or disconnect the whole conference by dialing XX.
The caller may camp-on to a busy extension for 15 seconds (programmable subscriber timer), after
which the call will be automatically cancelled. If the called party becomes free within this time, the connec-
tion will be established with warning tone to both parties.
The stations privacy switch controls the privacy status. When the B-subscriber is in privacy both
stations gets the ringing tone. The B-subscriber may accept the call by pressing the 0-button within 15
seconds (programmable subscriber timer). This operation is valid when the B-subscriber is not using
personal queue.
When a station is programmed with the privelege “Priority” it may connect to a busy or privacy
station by dialling “0” . This is only possible if the busy station does not have Priority privelege.