QOMO QRF500 Quick Start User Manual
Page 3

5. Prepare an Exam
a. On the QClick toolbar under Exam Editor, click
New (F5.1-5a) or Open button (F5.1-5b), and
PowerPoint will initiate.
b. Click the Add button (F5.1-5c) on the QClick
toolbar to add template slides to the
presentation. The Add Slides window will
appear with selection options. You can also use
PowerPoint to add slides to be recognized by
QClick later on.
c. Save PowerPoint Slides as a file, keep it open.
d. On the QClick toolbar, click the Setup button
(F5.1-5d) then click Obtain (F5.4-5e) to
recognize the content of the slide in Clicker
Display Area.
e. Set the question properties about Question #,
Question Mode, Activity Mode in the drop
down lists.
f. Choose the answer in the Correct Answer
Selection area.
Note: If the quiz file needs any modification,
please remember to close Setup and modify the
PPT file in PowerPoint directly, then open
Setup and Obtain the changes of the page to re-
recognize your question, then click Save
g. Click Save Setting (F5.4-5f) when finished, and
then click Exit.
Note: For additional question setting options, click
Advanced button (F5.4-5g) to choose from the
following: Difficulty Level Setting, Cloze Test
Criteria and Standard Setting. All the
information will be stored inside the
PowerPoint file, you can design more using
PowerPoint as you like.