Program select settings, Bal.speed normal bal.trickle off, Lithium battery check time 1min – ProgressiveRC 106B+ iCharger User Manual
Page 9: Wait time chg/dchg 10min, Nimh sensitivity deltav default, Nimh/nicd/pb trickle off, Li balance on cv phase
iCharger Synchronous Balance Charger/Discharger 106B+
Parameter setup
Users should check the parameter settings and adjust the parameter values according to the specifications of
the pack to be charged or discharged.
Note: The screen diagram on the left shows the system‘s default setting.
User parameter setup initial display.
iCharger checks the cell count of Lithium batteries automatically at the
beginning of the charge or discharge process in order to detect and avoid
erroneous setting by the user. However, deeply discharged batteries can be
perceived incorrectly. To avoid this problem you can set an initial time during
which to charge the battery at a low current, usually 100mA. Normally 10
minutes is enough to detect the cell count correctly. For batteries of different
capacities, you should adjust the time delay. Note: If you set the time delay
too long for a low capacity battery then the charging process can be finished
within the time delay with an erroneous cell count, which may damage the
battery and could be dangerous.
Range: 1 –
10 min. (1min, default)
For balance charging Lithium batteries. If the Bal. Speed is set to Fast, the
CV termination current will be higher, the charging time shorter and the
per-cell voltage lower. When set to Slow, the CV termination current will be
lower, the charging time longer and the per-cell voltage higher. The default
value of Normal is between the Fast and the Slow. If Bal. Trickle is ON, the
iCharger won‘t stop charging until the current falls to around 20mA.
Bal.Speed: Fast, Normal & Slow, (Normal, default).
Bal.Trickle: OFF & ON: (OFF, default)
For balance charging Li battery. There are three balance modes options: CV
phase, storage voltage and always. If the balance mode is set to CV phase,
when any cell‘s voltage reaches the set voltage for CV, it will enable the
balancer. When set to ―always‖, the balancer will be enabled from the
beginning of the charge process. When set to ―storage voltage‖, the
balancer will be enabled when any cell‘s voltage exceeds the default storage
voltage for the configured chemistry.
Balance mode: CV phase, storage voltage, always (CV phase, default)
When running a charge/discharge cycle program for a Lithium, NiMH or
NiCd battery the charger will stop for a while before continuing to the next
phase. This allows the pack to cool down.
Range: 1
60 min. (10 min default)
You can turn post charge-completion trickle charging. On or Off for NiMH,
NiCd or Pb batteries.
Range: OFF, 10 –
500mA. (OFF,default)
Usually, the NiMH battery voltage will drop a little right after reaching full
charge. This is known as -△V. You can alter the iCharger‘s delta-peak
detection sensitivity.
Range: 1 –
20mV/Cell. (4mV/Cell, default)
Settings ->
Bal.Speed Normal
Bal.Trickle OFF
Lithium battery
Check Time 1min
Wait Time
CHG/DCHG 10min
NiMH Sensitivity
DeltaV Default
Trickle OFF
Li Balance ON
CV phase
Dec Inc