Pridiom Solar Series Installation Manual User Manual

Page 8

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5. Piping and wrapping

Bundle the tubing, connecting cable, and drain
hose with tape securely, evenly as shown in

Because the condensed water from rear of the
indoor unit is gathered in ponding box and is
piped out of room. Do not put anything else in
the box.


Con nect th e in do or u ni t fi rs t, then th e
outd oor un it .
Do not a llo w th e piping to le t o ut fr om the
bac k o f t he ind oo r un it.
Be c ar ef ul not to let t he drain ho se s lack .
Hea t i ns ulat ed both o f t he a ux il iar y pipin g.
Be s ur e that th e drain hos e is lo ca te d at
th e lowest si de o f t he bun dl e. Loc at ing a t
th e up per sid e ca n ca use dr ain pa n to
ov erfl ow in side t he unit .
Nev er inte rc ross nor intertw is t t he p owe r
wire with a ny o ther wiri ng .
Run th e dr ain hose s lop ed d own war d to
dr ain ou t t he con de nse d wa te r s mooth ly.


Install the outdoor unit on a rigid base to
prevent increasing noise level and vibration.
Determine the air outlet direction where the
discharged air is not blocked. In the case that
the installation place is exposed to strong wind
such as a seaside, make sure the fan operating
properly by putting the unit lengthwise along the
wall or using a dust or shield plates.
Specially in windy area, install the unit to prev-
ent the admission of wind. If need suspending
installation, the installation bracket should
accord with technique requirement in the
installation bracket diagram.
The installation wall should be solid brick,
concrete or the same intensity construction, or
actions to reinforce, damping supporting should
be taken. The connection between bracket and
wall, bracket and the air conditioner should be
firm, stable and reliable.
Be sure there is no obstacle which block
radiating air.




Outdoor unit installation

Outdoor installation precaution

Indoor unit

Connective pipe

Pipe room

Ponding box

Wrapping belt


Drain hose

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