Old Town Partite 7310 Adhesive User Manual

Partite 7310 adhesive instruction

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Partite 7310 Adhesive


125 Gilman Falls Road
Building B
Old Town, ME 04468 USA

Please read kit instructions carefully prior to installation.

Rev. C

Issue Date: 06/21/2013

Doc. # K- 01.1332.2300

Page 1 of 1

Caution: Apply only in a well-ventilated area, fumes may be harmful. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection when using or mixing
this material.


Application: High performance with excellent adhesion to a wide variety of metal and plastic surfaces.
Working Time: 15 – 18 mins

Less on hot days more on cold days.

Fixture Time: 30 – 35 mins

Less on hot days more on cold days.

This adhesive is to be used for small cracks, scrapes, and gouges that do not penetrate completely through the hull on your
Polyethylene and Royalex boats.

You will need to prep the area on your boat by cleaning it with warm water and mild dish soap and then lightly sanding with a 220 or
230 grit sandpaper. Clean up sanding residue with a rag soaked in denatured alcohol.

Caution: If your boat is made of polyethylene, you will need to polarize the repair area by taking a blow torch with a 1” flame, and
lightly swipe the flame across the area for 2-3 seconds. You are NOT trying to melt the canoe, just heating to the point where it is
warm to the touch. This will burn off any release that is in the powder and allow the adhesive to adhere much better.

1. First remove the end cap by turning it so the long end is between the post as shown in Fig# 1, Remove cap. Using a piece of card
board for a mixing tray, push on the plunger until the desired amount of adhesive is on the cardboard mixing tray. Always mix a little
more than you may need to insure you have enough for your project as shown in Fig# 3.

Fig # 1 Fig # 2 Fig# 3

2. Use a popsicle stick or a similar object for a stirrer to stir the two parts together for about thirty seconds or until they become one
solid color as shown in Fig# 4, Now the adhesive is ready to apply to the desired area that needs to be adhered. After applying let the
adhesive set up for about five minuets it may take some additional time to fully harden depending on conditions.

Fig# 4 Fig# 5

3. When you’re finished with the Partite 7310 Adhesive (A) reapply the end cap to the end of the tube for storage as shown in Fig# 5.


Ref. Letter

Part Number





Partite 7310 Adhesive

1 EA

Turn end cap so long ends are out

of the stops



End Cap


End Cap Removed