2 remote control over com port, 1 requirements, 2 limitations – Kontron MSM800BEV V101 BIOS User Manual

Page 25: 3 principles of functionality, 4 bios settings on the remote computer, Remote control over com port, Requirements, Limitations, Principles of functionality, Bios settings on the remote computer

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Geode LX800 / LX900

/ Software


5.2 Remote Control over COM Port

5.2.1 Requirements


Serial null-modem cable (only RX and TX)


Remote computer:

Serial port address 3F8h


Host computer:

Serial port COM1 or COM2, OS (Windows or MSDOS), floppy image file with MSDOS 6.22

or FREEDOS (eg. freedos2img which is located on the Product CD or in the download area).

5.2.2 Limitations


OS on the remote computer:



Enabling "remote floppy" support:

All other floppy disks on the remote computer will be disabled

5.2.3 Principles of Functionality

The main principles are based on the hooks of vectors INT10(video), INT13(disk) and INT16(keyboard) in a special
(DLINT) ROM extension, which redirects the command interrupt requests over the serial COM port to the remote
console running on another (host) computer under Windows or MSDOS.

During startup, DLINT ROM module tries to initiate communication over the COM port. If this initial communication is
unsuccessful, the remote access feature will be disabled. If the initial connection is successful, DLINT module asks for
supported options and initializes appropriated TSR vectors. Options which are not enabled in remote console will stay
native on the remote computer. Remote connection was successfully established if, in the upper left corner, the
message "Press F1 for Setup" appears.

5.2.4 BIOS Settings on the Remote Computer

To enable a remote COM port for remote control:


During boot up, press F1 to enter the BIOS setup


Enter "C. Motherboard Device Configuration"


Enter "I/O Configuration"


Select "Remote control over COM port"


Set "Remote:" to Enabled

For proper functionality, the serial port address must be set under "LPC Card devices":
"Serial Port 1: 0x3f8" to 3F8 hex address. If the remote floppy disk feature will be used, then "Floppy BIOS Support"
must be enabled in the BIOS setup.


All remote features are supported only under FREEDOS or MSDOS 6.22.
When the remote floppy option is enabled, it is impossible to use another floppy disk; even the USB floppy is
not accessible.

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