Calibration – JDC Electronic SA Geos 11 User Manual

Page 18

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here are two types of compass display:

the compass block (always

al display on the lower block. Select

bargraph on
and digit
the lower block with the

button (it flashes),

then display the compass using the


HICH MEANS : The default setting of the compass is for the magnetic

North, and not for true North. It is however possible for the instrument to
display it, provided the value of the magnetic declination has been
entered; see ‘Special Modes’; ‘Magnetic Field’.
Remark: The compass displays

if it has never been calibrated,

or if it cannot give the heading, when the instrument is at too much of
angle for instance


IMPORTANT ! Calibrate the compass before you use it for the
first time. At a later stage, we advise you to recalibrate your
compass each time you are in a new environment or whenever
you change the batteries.

Select the lower block and display the compass (it flashes), then keep the

button pressed down for 2 seconds,

starts flashing on the upper

ock. Release the


button as soon as you access calibration. To

calibrate the compass, hold the instrument vertically and turn around
once slowly in a circle (or the instrument alone). Each time a cardinal
point is acquired, a section of the ‘square’ symbol lights up on the large
. The calibration process is complete when the whole symbol is

displayed (

); calibration is complete. Confirm and exit the calibration

by keeping the

button down. The instrument goes back to the standard


The level of magnetic field expressed in micro Tesla (µT) and displayed


on the lower block during the calibration is the mean value measured by
the sensors, compensated by the previous calibration. While carrying out
a revolution, the microprocessor measures all the field values detected
according to directions, in order to eventually isolate the earth’s
magnetic field while removing the local disturbing magnetisations.

At a later stage, the instrument will need to be in the same posi
as during the calibration in order to provide an accurate reading of