ETS-Lindgren HI-3637 VLF Magnetic Field Meter User Manual

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3637 Manual

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To provide a means for judging the significance of

measured magnetic field emissions found near VDT's, the

scientific literature can be examined for information on

suggested exposure or emission limits. The exposure

standards reviewed at the time of this manual's

preparation apply to humans for the purpose of

establishing safe working or living environments where

magnetic fields exist. The exposure limits compiled in

this manual are those found that correspond most closely

to the predominant frequency range of VDT's. In some

cases, the standards apply to occupational exposure

environments and in other cases, to the general living

environment; often standards for this latter case are

referred to as general population or public exposure limits.

Traditional approaches to radiation protection, principally

derived from ionizing radiation protection practices,

usually differentiate between occupational and public

exposure. Generally, occupational exposure limits are

higher, i.e., more permissive, than public limits. This is

because of the greater uncertainties associated with the

general public; in the work place, employees are generally

healthier, and possible exposure to potentially hazardous

physical agents is usually under much better control. For

example, employers can inform workers of situations

which should be avoided; this is not the case for the

general population. Regardless of these considerations,

it is informative to examine some of the recommended

exposure guides that apply to different organizations

and/or countries.

Table 1 summarizes the electromagnetic field exposure

standards found in the literature that either directly apply

to the frequency range appropriate to VDT emissions or

pertain to a frequency range close to that of interest. As

can be seen, the primary difficulty in applying many RF

exposure standards to VDT emission levels is that the

applicable frequency range of the standards does not

extend low enough. From the literature searched, only

one reference was found that offered a quantitative

emission limit as a guideline specific to VDT's (Telecom,