ETS-Lindgren HI-1501 Microwave Oven Survey Meter User Manual
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1501 Manual
Preparing the Meter
Remove the meter from the carrying case. Make
sure the EPS (styrofoam) spacer cone is intact and
firmly seated on the probe. Check the cone for
signs of wear or contamination. Replace if worn or
Move the SLOW/FAST switch to the “FAST”
position. Turn the selector switch to “BATT TEST.”
The needle should indicate above the green “Batt
OK” line. If not, replace both batteries (refer back
to page 8).
Turn the selector switch to the “PROBE TEST”
position. The needle should indicate between the
green “OK”, “PROBE TEST” lines. If not, the probe
or meter circuits have been damaged and should not
be used. A defective probe cannot be replaced in
the field and the complete unit should be returned
to the factory for repair.
Turn the selector switch to the desired scale
(usually the 2 mW scale) and let the meter stabilize
for two minutes.
Adjust the indicator needle on the meter to read
zero by turning the ZERO ADJ knob. The probe
must be shielded or removed from the vicinity of
any RF fields when the meter is being zeroed.