7050 description – Salter Brecknell 7050 User Manual
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The 7050 is a 12"x 14" scale with an attached
5" x 12" display housing. See Figure 1. The
scale base is cast aluminum enclosing a
Digital Technology) weight
sensor and electronics package. The scale
platter is stainless steel.
The display is a 64" x 240" dot matrix which
allows several lines of text and the ability to
display graphics.
There are five softkeys located directly below
the display, a numeric keypad to the right and
six other labeled keys. The keys will be
described in the next section.
Built into the 7050 are two serial ports (Com1
and Com2). Com1 is used for 3635 QDT
connection only. Com2 is used for Orion printer
connection only.
The keys on the front panel of the 7050 are of
two types; hard keys and softkeys. Hard keys
are labeled directly and softkey labels appear on
7050 Description
Upon power up, the unit will briefly display
an opening screen, then show the default
display mode. The scale is now ready for
use. After several minutes of inactivity, the
scale will go into a sleep mode. Press any key
to reactivate the scale.
Figure 1
7050 front panel
To increase the contrast of
the display, press and hold
the CLEAR and 9 keys until
the desired contrast is
reached. To decrease
contrast, press and hold
the CLEAR and 3 keys.
Front Panel Keys