Rs-232 data commands for sbi protocol, Key symbols – Salter Brecknell PS3000HD User Manual
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RS-232 data commands for SBI protocol
The RS232 can be set so a bidirectional connection can be established between the indicator and the host. To
establish this connection set parameter P4 to 7, and configure setting P5 (baud) and P6 (parity) to host device.
Commands can then be sent from the host to the indicator using the following commands (ensure the letters
entered are in CAPS) (
Takes a reading
Over capacity -
Under capacity -
Zero point error -
Reading (kg or lb)
w1w2w3w4w5w6 S Prints Status Bytes Z Zeros the scale T Sets up a tare U Changes the units L Activates the hold X Switches off the Indicator switches off. ? Unrecognised Key Symbols Line feed Polarity character including minus sign for negative weigh and a space character for positive. W1-W7 Weight data Decimal point U1U2: Unit measure, kg, lb or oz Bit Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 0 0=Stable 0=Not Under 00=Not defined 1=Unstable 1=Under Capacity 01=Normal working mode 1 0=Not at zero 0=Not over 10=Hold working mode 1=At zero point 1=Over capacity 11=Not defined 2 Always 0 Always 0 0=Gross Weight 3 0=eprom OK Always 0 Always 0 4 Always 1 Always 1 Always 1 5 Always 1 Always 1 Always 1 6 Always 0 Always 1 Always 0 7 Parity Parity Parity
H1H2H3 3 status bytes
Output Status Bit Meaning:
1=Net Weight
1=eprom error