Ystem, Anagement – AVer FD1020 user manual User Manual
Page 36

(4) Setting Method
Select the date & time settings method.
Sync with current PC
– Obtain the date and time setting on the
current login computer.
Sync with NTP Server
– Obtain the date and time setting from
NTP server. In the drop-down list, select the NTP host name.
– Manually set the date and time. Click “Done” to close
the date and time interface.
System > User Management
In this section, only admin level is authorized to create, delete, and edit the account in Account tab and
configure the client connection setting in Connection tab.
System > User Management
IP camera supports two different user accounts
– Administrator (Admin) and Guest User.
User Type
Access Rights
Can access all the configuration pages
Guest User
Can only access the preview and status information pages.
Anonymous User Login
Yes: Allow an anonymous user to view the IP camera without logging in.
No: Need user name & password to access this IP camera
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