Specifications, Lens care – Nikon NIKKOR 13mm f-5.6 User Manual

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• Before using the lens, always check that at least one of the bayonet-

mount filters (four are supplied) is attached to the rear of the lens.


Focal length: 1 3mm

Maximum aperture: f/5.6

Lens construction: 16 elements in 12


Picture angle: 118°

Distance scale: Graduated in meters and

feet from 0.3m (1 ft) to infinity (“)

Aperture scale: f/5.6 ~ f/22 on both

standard and aperture-direct-readout

Diaphragm: Fully automatic
Exposure measurement: Via full-aper­

ture method; meter coupling ridge

provided for Al cameras and meter

coupling shoe for non-AI cameras

Lens hood: Non-removable type built

into front of lens

Filters: Provided with a set of four

bayonet-mount filters for attachment

to the rear of the lens; set includes

LI BC, 056, A2 and B2 filters; one

filter must be in place at all times

Mount: Nikon bayonet mount

Dimensions: 115mm0 x 99mm long

(overall); 88.5mm extension from


Weight: Approx. 1 200g


Slip-on front lens cap

Rear lens cap LF-1

Bayonet-mount filter set (LI BC, 056, A2, B2)
Filter set case CA-2

Hard lens case CL-14

Teleconverter TC-200


• Although you should always keep the lens surfaces clean, rough cleaning

must be avoided. Wipe with a soft, clean cotton cloth moistened with

alcohol to remove grease or fingerprints from the lens surfaces.

If you use ether in cleaning the lens, a smudge sometimes appears on the

surface of a multi-coated lens. If this happens, wipe it again with a cotton

cloth moistened with alcohol.

• Keep the lens cap in place whenever the lens is not in use.
• Attach both the front and rear caps when the lens is stored separately.

• To ensure proper fit of the lens when stored in the leather lens case, set

the lens’ focusing ring to the infinity (°°) setting.