2 open "my computer" and double click "3.5 inch fd, 3 double-click the desired data file, On file format – Sony MVC-FD51 User Manual

Page 31: Recommended os/appiications example, Viewing images using a personal computer

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background image

Viewing images using a personal

The image data recorded with this camera is compressed in JPEG
format. This data can be viewed using a personal computer which
has JPEG view ability application installed such as Microsoft
Internet Explorer. For detailed procedures using image data with an
application, refer to the personal computer instruction manual.

Example: personal computer installed Windows 95

1 Start up Windows 95 and insert the floppy disk

into the disk drive of the personal computer.


Open "My computer" and double click "3.5 inch



Double-click the desired data file.

On file format

This camera compresses image data in JPEG format (extension
and simultaneously records file data (extension .411) for index
screen. The index screen data is available only on this camera.

MVC-001F.JPG: Data file name of image
MVC-001 F.411: Data file name for index screen


Recommended OS/appiications example


Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 or later etc.


Vlicrosoft Internet Explorer etc.

Note ______________________________________________________________________

lor .Macintosh, von can use the tloppv disk recorded with this camera usin^
'he PC. f..\change v\ ith .Mac CtS system 7.5 or higher. A viewing appheatirm tor

5f.)cmtosh IS also necessar\' for \'iev\ ing images.
