Tri-Tronics Multi Sport 3 User Manual
Page 30

Either you or the dog is shielded by a metal structure.
Metal fences, chain link dog enclosures, screen doors, buildings,
and other metal structures can affect the radio signal. Operate
the Remote Trainer away from these structures.
The receiver is on backwards. Position the collar so that the
light faces toward the dog’s nose. Page 11.
You’re experiencing temporary radio interference. Radio
signals from nearby CBs and walkie talkies can reduce range.
Wait a short while then try again, or move to another area.
PROBLEM #3: The stimulation seems too high, not high
enough, or the dog does not seem to feel it at all.
The collar strap is not tight enough. The collar should be
snug. Contact points must press against the dog’s skin to
provide efficient, consistent stimulation. Page 11.
The intensity position is not correct. The ideal intensity
level depends on the dog and the training situation. Try
a different level. See the training manual and video that
came with your Remote Trainer. Also note that in very
cold weather, you may need to use a slightly higher setting
to achieve the same level of intensity. Remember that the
stimulation button must be released for the new setting
to take effect. Page 12.
The batteries in either the collar or the transmitter are
dead. Recharge or replace as needed. Page 16.
Debris or contaminants are interfering with electrical
stimulation. Clean the collar and contact point area. Page 21.
PROBLEM #4: The collar is difficult to turn on or turn off.
Begin the turn-on or turn-off cycle again. Occasionally
you will need two tries to turn the collar on or off. For best
results when turning the collar off, watch the collar light and
begin pressing the transmitter button when the collar light is
not flashing.
T R I - T R O N I C S
Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g G u i d e
Page 26
Sport Series